Цена: 4 800 ₽
✅ Scripts Shops
22.12.2021 13:14
Have a digital goods shop scripts in wich make an account as a seller developer Can sell any users with make a own shop and include reffer system and order to make a any sites and scripts smooth looks and two themes and include list veiw and gridwiew system and have coupon code system to give any freinds to downloads a free scripts
- any users can build own shop
- Get orders to make scripts / websites
- Reffer systems per downloads
- Two themes look owsoms
- Grid veiw and list veiw
- Add to cart syatem with ajax smooth cool
- Sites Exchanges banners ads (linkslotes)
- 10 different typea of notifications can set any te
- Instant withdrawals
- Much security and encryption includes every wheres
- Payeer and perfect money payments getaway
- Admin panel panel have much features every things controled AZ
- ban users * withdrawals controls * scripts uploads controlls * payments controls * reffers and every users uploads scripts controls and much features when used can feel happy
Languages ::
Php, html, css, js, ajax, jquery, react js, node.js
New in market for :: 2022
any problems feel free for contacts ([email protected])
22.12.2021 13:14

Have a digital goods shop scripts in wich make an account as a seller developer Can sell any users with make a own shop and include reffer system and order to make a any sites and scripts smooth looks and two themes and include list veiw and gridwiew system and have coupon code system to give any freinds to downloads a free scripts
- any users can build own shop
- Get orders to make scripts / websites
- Reffer systems per downloads
- Two themes look owsoms
- Grid veiw and list veiw
- Add to cart syatem with ajax smooth cool
- Sites Exchanges banners ads (linkslotes)
- 10 different typea of notifications can set any te
- Instant withdrawals
- Much security and encryption includes every wheres
- Payeer and perfect money payments getaway
- Admin panel panel have much features every things controled AZ
- ban users * withdrawals controls * scripts uploads controlls * payments controls * reffers and every users uploads scripts controls and much features when used can feel happy
Languages ::
Php, html, css, js, ajax, jquery, react js, node.js
New in market for :: 2022
any problems feel free for contacts ([email protected])