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Цена: 1 600 ₽
✅ Rubles mining

03.01.2022 05:36 0

Its a best script for mining rubl curuncey And based on the new version updated script 2021 With good look and also can change your mining speed and minimum payout and mining plans and auto withdraw Auto withdraw Payeer connected language english and russian Mininmum 1 rubl withdraw Also manage plans and mining ---- lower price -----Every thing working good full instalation 

Any problem contact with gmail

[email protected]

Or demo: getsellweb.ga



2. ⇩ Maarkhoor   ⌚ 04.01.2022 09:21

Its fully working and i bought its for 3100 rubles from last month


1. ⇩ FLA   ⌚ 03.01.2022 16:17

для приличия могли б хотя б мой дизайн сменить на другой ))) Да и продавал я его за 400 руб . Проблема в том что пеер его уже не подключит .

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User Point: 11.0

Цена: 4 800 RUB